Tuesday, August 12, 2014

big questions

Our minds are naturally inclined toward associative and interdisciplinary thinking.  We connect the dots in all sorts of ways, often when we don't fully comprehend the experience (and sometimes when there aren't even any dots).  

We have questions about the nature of the world: our experience of it, our place in it, our relationship to it, what lies beyond it, and everything else.  When we're young we ask questions all the time.  We are insatiably curious.  It's like somehow we intuitively understand that the more we learn the better we get at everything--including learning.  We don't worry about curricular units or standards.  We have no test anxiety.  We test ourselves all the time.  We love risk and we don't care if we fail.  It's always somebody else who's saying, "Hey, come down from there, you're going to get hurt!"* [*Often, they're right.  In any case they're probably more experienced in estimating the odds of that was fun didn't hurt vs. itchy leg cast for a month outcomes.  But sometimes you just KNOW you can do it and it's frustrating to be told you can't.  Pushing the edge is what learning is all about.** {**As a teacher/responsible adult I must explicitly remind you to do this (i.e., learn/push the edge/create new neural pathways in your brain that actually change your mind) in ways that will not break laws or harm any sentient beings-- most especially you-- or offend, irritate, annoy, upset, or anger your parents.***} <***If you think this is a lot of footnotes, or whatever we're calling the blogger's equivalent, you should read David Foster Wallace (especially Infinite Jest).  In fact, this is the perfect time for you to consider his commencement speech (which doesn't contain footnotes, but does contain the sort of wisdom that more people should hear while there's still time to do something about it.).  At any rate, if you're still following this sentence you'll do fine in this course.>}]  Not only do we love climbing learning limbs when we're young, we know it's what we're best at.  Most of us learn whole languages best between the ages of 5-12.  Our amazing brains manage the torrential inflow by creating schema

We have every incentive to accelerate and amplify our learning as we age.  Our future is increasingly complex and uncertain.  Our culture and economy favor those in the know.  Learning is increasingly your responsibility as individuals.  You're becoming more independent; in about a year you'll be heading off to college, where your professors may not know you exist and definitely won't care how you organize your binder.  As if all that isn't motivation enough for you to get your learning on, it turns out that not learning may actually be bad for you.  We form new neurons and connections in our brains when we learn.  Scientists are investigating whether the lack of new neuron formation is a cause for depression or an interfering factor in recovery.

When it comes to thinking for yourself in the traditional high school setting, though, there are constraints.  Inquiry that doesn't "fit" in the classroom is too often seen as insubordinate.   By definition, individualism and divergent thinking don't regress to the mean or conform to a one-size-fits-all syllabus.  We will have to find ways to gracefully lose arguments and compromise.  In addition, a culture of fear of punishment or embarrassment can lead the smartest and most successful learners to surrender and play the game.  When this happens, motivated learning in the presence of no opportunity dies the same death as a fire in the presence of no oxygen.  The authors of "The Creativity Crisis" say we ask about 100 questions a day as preschoolers.  We quit asking questions altogether by middle school. 

In his book Orbiting the Giant Hairball, Gordon MacKenzie describes visiting schools to show students how artists sculpt steel into animals:

“I always began with the same introduction: ‘Hi My name is Gordon MacKenzie and, among other things, I am an artist... How many of you are artists?’
The pattern of responses never failed.
First grade: En mass the children leapt from their chairs, arms waving wildly, eager hands trying to reach the ceiling.  Every child was an artist.
Second grade: About half the kids raised their hands, shoulder high, no higher.  The raised hands were still.
Third grade: At best, 10 kids out of 30 would raise a hand.  Tentatively.  Self-consciously. 
And so on up through the grades.  The higher the grade, the fewer children raised their hands.  By the time I reached sixth grade, no more than one or two did so and then only ever-so-slightly—guardedly—their eyes dancing from side to side uneasily, betraying a fear of being identified by the group as a ‘closet artist.’”  

Richard Saul Werman (the man who created the TED conference) said, "In school we’re rewarded for having the answer, not for asking a good question.”  School was designed back when things were very different and oriented around mass production; that's not the way things work any more.  You can't just prepare for a job that may not be around by the time you graduate.  It's not good enough to follow directions.  You have to be able to find your own.

In the age of the search engine, there is no real point in learning facts for their own sake, especially since so many of them eventually turn out not to be facts after all.  You have to develop the critical thinking, problem-solving, oppurtunity-seeking, and collaborative skills that will enable you to CREATE a role for yourself in the new economy.  (Don't worry.  If you're not an entrepreneur by nature or inclination these abilities will help you do whatever else you want to do more effectively.)

Our first mission is to reclaim the power of the question.  Everything you ask has an interdisciplinary answer.  Show me a cup of tea and I'll show you botany, ceramics, and the history of colonialism (for starters).  Wondering why your girlfriend doesn't love you any more?  Psychology, poetry, probability... you get the idea.  And no matter what the question or the answers, you're going to have to sort the signal from the noise and determine how best to share the sense you make.

What's your Big Question?  

What have you always wanted to know?  What are you thinking about now that you've been asked?  What answers are worth searching for-- would make a difference in your life, or in the community, or in the world?  What do you wish you could invent?  What problem do you want to solve?  This is not a trick and the only limits are those of your imagination.  Please comment to this post with your question and also please post it to your course blog (title: MY BIG QUESTION).  You can change or add to your question at any point.  If you need some inspiration, check out this year's Lit Comp Big Questions or the Class of 2013's American Lit Big Questions.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. -What makes people who they are? Is it something we are innately born with, programed since the beginning of our lives; or do we acquire it through hardships, spectacular moments, and simple day to day life.

    -Why do we as humans put so much on whether or not we are accepted by society? Why is it so important for us to be part of a certain group or niche?

    -Is there such a thing as a soul?

    -Is there such a thing as true love?

  3. My big question or questions would be well are souls mates real? Why do people feel the need to be in the "popular group"? Why is it that people can text each other all day, but in person it's difficult to even say hi? Why is it that we are all on our phones when there is people right in front of us that we could talk to? Why do we get act different to different people?

  4. Do you think that we are all born good like with a clean slate? What makes us who we are? Is it our souls? Why does society have to be a contradiction? Is what we believe in who we are? Why do we have to believe in god or a religion? Why can't we just believe in ourselves? Like I believe that we all as humans are god because we can change the world and we have the power. What do you think?

  5. My big question is what is the purpose of life...we are told that we are free and that it is up to us to make the best out of life yet we are controlled by a piece of paper which is beyond a pain in the ass to come across an have it actually be worth something, we are at war with each other and live to impress people that we do not like we can't eat sleep blink breath walk or speak without being judged

  6. What's the meaning of life? Why life? What is the purpose of human and the world? Why diversity? Everyone is equal, but why can't everyone be similar? Why does it exist differences in economic estability? Why do bad things happen to good people? For what purpose are we created?

  7. My biggest question is why does society have to be based on looks, personality, qualities, anything in particular that people always have to judge or get jealous of you? Because it seems like that's all of what happens in society now days, instead of people being normal and not judge mental. So that's what I was wondering.. It's just something I always wondered because it seems to be going around a lot, exspecially in high school.

  8. I've always wondered why life is life or why we say the word life the meaning to life 2.Continuing for a lifetime; lifelong. our life's may not be the same because our life would be very simple and boring so I kind of understand the word life but not so well that is making me think what is life or what causes life?.....

  9. My biggest question is what is the purpose of taking all these classes for school like I understand we learn stuff but think about it over the years we forget like I understand English yeah you need to learn how to speak with proper grammar and how to read and right but science history math like in life will we everyvuse science or history no and math they teach us all this crap like proofs in life I use addition subtraction to count money that is that's what my question is.
