Wednesday, August 27, 2014

august 27

Hey!  I forgot to post the agenda yesterday.  Hope everyone continued their work from Monday and that you're all catching up.  There are some truly wonderful comments, literature analysis books, and Big Questions appearing on the course blog. 

If you haven't yet sent me your blog URL and/or begun posting to the course blog, please prepare a hard copy portfolio that I can collect when I see you next Monday.  The first grading period will end before you know it.

Here are journal topics for yesterday (August 26) and today.  Please continue completing the work that's already on your plate.  If you've finished all the assignments including Literature Analysis #1, please review "Young Goodman Brown," "White Buffalo Calf Woman," and the piece about the author watching someone read his book.  Tomorrow or Friday I'll post the prompt for a comparative essay.

Journal Topic: (August 26)
Please reflect on your independent work process.  Are you getting stuff done?  What about your working environment is helping you achieve?  What's holding you back?  What are you going to do next in order to succeed?

Journal Topic: (August 27)
When we read we make connections between the text and what we already know.  Sometimes we find ourselves surprised when a book calls to mind an old memory we haven't thought about in a long time.  What are your earliest memories?  What makes some things impossible to remember and other things impossible to forget?

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