Tuesday, March 10, 2015

march 10

JOURNAL TOPIC: (Today's tunes: "Because" by The Beatles; "Moonlight Sonata" by Beethoven)

Why isn't "Because I said so" a convincing argument?  What is it missing?  If it's such a flawed and incomplete idea, why do so many people rely on it?

1. Journal topic
2. Review: Did you find a syllogism?
3. Logical fallacies in argumentative rhetoric (a.k.a., "things people get away with when their audiences don't know any better")

1. Identify your favorite five fallacies from this list and post them to your course blog.  Explain why you chose them: Did you recognize them from conversations/speeches you've seen?  Have you used them yourself?
*NOTE: I'll be teaching period 3 and other RHS English teachers will be in class learning along with us.  I won't be teaching period 7.  If you're in period 3, find someone in period 7 to help (consult the Member Blogs list if you're not sure who is in class).  If you're in period 7, don't wait for someone in period 3 to find you-- hunt them down and make them talk.  You're going to need to know what they know for your quiz tomorrow.

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