Thursday, January 15, 2015

january 15

JOURNAL TOPIC: (today's tunes: "Graceland" by Paul Simon; "Boy in the Bubble" by Paul Simon; "Homeless" by Paul Simon)

1. Based on what you learned last night, is it fair to say these songs were "by" Paul Simon? Why/why not?
2. Explain how Simon created something new by going back to the roots of a musical genre.
3. Can we describe music as literature?

1. Journal
2. Hey You: Masterpiece
3. Discuss HW
4. Your colleagues are treasure to be hunted* (*catch and release)
5. Intro to SMART goals

1. Create a post for your blog entitled, "MUSIC AS LITERATURE"
2. In that post, answer this question: Can we consider music to be literature? How do we define literature? What is the difference between a novel, a poem, a rap, a song, an opera, and a symphony?

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